Madam’s School for sex workers

Dusshera Chowk, is a famous red light area with about 200 CSW (commercial sex workers) and 30 – 40 children in Sangli, Maharashtra. Madam Bandawa, who heads the red light area is keen on educating her girls and their children. She teaches everyday between 4-6pm basic reading, writing and math mainly to help with money management for better optimized savings. This story brings the audience closer to the life and experiences of sex workers. It is a sincere attempt to highlight the importance of basic human rights and the right to education.

“Madam’s School for Sex Workers” was a finalist in the Professional Category of The Good Story Competition, Conducted by Singaporean NGO, Our Better World.
Official Selection for Rolling Frames Film Festival,
Top 20 in Cineshorts Season 1.


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