Your best and your worst sexual experience Chapter 12. Can pain during sex be good or bad?

We show you the interview of a 31-year-old patient, a waitress who has had several sexual partners. Her worst experience was something she did not expect and it caused her pain. His best experience was something more planned over several days with several positive factors.
Through these testimonies we want to raise awareness among the population about the different expressions of sexuality, about their safe practice and the consequences they can have.
Te mostramos la entrevista de una paciente de 31 años es mesera ha tenido varias parejas sexuales. Su peor experiencia fue algo que ella no esperaba y le causo dolor. Su mejor experiencia fue algo mas planeado de varios dias con varios factores positivos.
Por medio de estos testimonios queremos concientizar a la población sobre las distintas expresiones de la sexualidad, sobre su práctica segura y las consecuencias que pueden llegar a tener.


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